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Minutes of Public Meetings

Members present: Jan Abbs, Gerald Bepko, Jon Krahilik, Dennis Heeke

Staff present: Sarah Nagy, Executive Director/Counsel; Jim Holden, law clerk

The Chairman called the meeting to order at approximately 9:05 A.M.

The outgoing Chairman, Gerald Bepko, welcomed the new Chairman, Jan Abbs by expressing that he believed that it was good and healthy for the commission to have the chair position rotate among members of the commission. He expressed that he had served four years and that was long enough. Gerald Bepko said he was delighted to see Jan Abbs become the chair of the commission, and also that he was enthusiastic about her appointment and was looking forward to working to support her as she takes on these new responsibilities. Having served his time, he stated that he was very pleased to pass the responsibilities along.

The Commissioners approved the minutes of the December, 1999 meeting.

Discussion of Proposed Advisory Opinions:

PAO 2000-01: Whether lobbyists' contributions to the Host Committee of the National Conference of State Legislators is reportable and, if so, how it is to be reported?

All four commissioners voted in favor of publishing this opinion and returning to the next meeting with a final advisory opinion.

PAO 2000-02: Whether lobbyists' contributions to the Women in Government conference is reportable?

All four commissioners voted in favor of publishing this opinion and returning to the next meeting with a final advisory opinion.

PAO 2000-03: Whether lobbyists' contributions made in the form of sponsorship fees to various non-profit organizations which host conferences which legislators attend is reportable?

Three commissioners voted in favor of publishing this opinion and returning to the next meeting with a final advisory opinion. Bepko abstained.

Questions Presented

(A) Are late fees imposed under the disclosure statute in the nature of administrative fees, or are they to be characterized as punitive fines? All four commissioners agreed with the position taken by the Executive Director in her informal letter to the Gaming Commission.

(B) Whether non-compensated, volunteer lobbying services donated to the World Police and Fire Games should be reported and, if so, how? The Executive Director was instructed to draft a proposed advisory opinion on this issue for consideration by the commissioners at the May meeting.


Staff report was given.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:55 A.M.