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Minutes of Public Meetings
Indiana Lobby Registration Commission
Thursday, September 5, 2002
9:00 p.m.
Indiana Government Center, Conference Room A
Members present: Dennis Heeke, Jan Abbs, Gerald Bepko
Member absent: Jon Krahulik
Staff present: Sarah Nagy, Executive Director/Counsel
The Chairman called the meeting to order at approximately 9:05 A.M. The Commissioners unanimously approved the minutes of the June, 2002 meeting.
Request for Advisory Opinion
The law firm of Wiley Rein & Fielding, LLP, requested a formal advisory opinion on matters relating to grassroots lobbying. The commissioners unanimously agreed that the Executive Director & Counsel should publish PAO 02-01 and place PAO 02-01 on the agenda for possible ratification at the November 21, 2002, meeting.
Staff report was given:
Access Indiana anticipates that the revised web site and the searchable data base should be available for testing and use before the next public meeting of the ILRC.
Public comment was given.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:25 A.M.