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Minutes of Public Meetings
Indiana Lobby Registration Commission
Thursday, March 6, 2003
10:00 p.m.
Indiana Government Center, Conference Room 2
Indiana Lobby Registration Commission
Thursday, March 6, 2003
10:00 p.m.
Indiana Government Center, Conference Room 2
Members present: Dennis Heeke, Jan Abbs, James Torke, Jon Krahulik
Staff present: Sarah Nagy, Executive Director/Counsel
The Chairman called the meeting to order at approximately 10:10 A.M. The Commissioners unanimously approved the minutes of the September 5, 2002, meeting.
The Chairman read the provided the following resolution, which was unanimously directed to be placed in the minutes of this meeting:
The Chairman further acknowledged the distinguished service of Robert Fair (1993 - 1997) and John Hicks (1994 - 2000) as commissioners and noted that each had deceased since the September, 2002, public meeting of the ILRC.
Ratification Vote for FAO 2002-01
Staff report was given:
Access Indiana indicated that the revise of the database and of the web site has been completed. There are "bugs" related to the billings which are being remedied. The possibility of being able to search the ILRC data base by area of lobbying subject matter was discussed. Access Indiana could not provide a time for when that suggested can be incorporated, but indicated that it will be incorporated in the near future.
The Executive Director made the recommendation that Christine Dickerson be referred to the Office of the Marion County Prosecutor for her failure to file a mid-year 2002 activity report. The records indicate that several attempts were made to notify Ms. Dickerson by certified mail. There were two attempts to notify her of her obligation to report sent by certified mail to her last known mailing address in Pennsylvania. The Commissioners determined that there had been sufficient effort made to provide Ms. Dickerson with notice of her obligation and all four commissioners recommended that Ms. Dickerson be referred for possible prosecution to the Office of the Marion County Prosecutor.
Public comment was solicited but not tendered.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:30 A.M.