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Minutes of Public Meetings

Indiana Lobby Registration Commission
Thursday, May 20, 2004
10:30 a.m.
Indiana Government Center, Conference Room 6 3:00 p.m.

Members present: Dennis Heeke, Jan Abbs, James Torke, Jon Krahulik

Staff present: Sarah Nagy, Executive Director/Counsel

The meeting was called to order at approximately 3:05 P.M. The Commissioners unanimously approved the minutes of the February 18, 2004 public meeting.

The following lobbyists were reported to the Office of the Marion County Prosecutor for failure to file activity reports: Voices for I69; International Gaming Services, LLC


Staff report was given:

The Director provided the Commissioners with the YTD budget expenditures.

The Commission voted unanimously to approve the proposed budget to be submitted for FY 2005-2006 & FY 2006-2007.

It was noted that the State Board of Accounts concluded its 3-year audit of the ILRC and no problems or discrepancies were noted.

The need to provide the legislators with a summary of gifts received by lobbyists was discussed and the Commissioners instructed the Director to devise a form which would track gifts made under Ind. Code 2-7-3-6(e). The Director was instructed to send each legislator a draft form with the first six-months 2004 data.

The Commissioners discussed the need to change the registration filing date to November, so that it will better coordinate with the new activity report cycles. The Director was instructed to speak to lobbyists about this matter and to report back at the next meeting.

Public comment was solicited but not tendered.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:45 p.m.