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TB Skin Test Training/Validation

For information on State TB skin test training requirements, click here.

One option for training in TB skin testing is offered through the American Lung Association of Indiana (ALA-I). They maintain information about the availability of and teaching locations for both its Basic TB Skin Testing and TB Skin Test Instructor.

For information, please contact the American Lung Association at (317-210-8553) or visit the ALA website at http://www.indianatbeducation.com.

ISDH offers a free Indiana In-Train online course at https://in.train.org that is a prerequisite for some TB skin testing training programs, including the ALA-I program. The current course is titled '2019, 2020, and 2021 - ISDH - Basic Tuberculosis and TB Skin Testing' and the course number is 1084082. Instructions for creating an In-Train account and taking the course can be located in the attached pdf file.