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CAG Findings & Recommendations Report
Pandemic Influenza Community Advisory Groups Report December 2006
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) has been working on plans to prepare for and respond to a possible influenza pandemic. In the process of developing those plans, the ISDH has identified a series of issues that require additional study and consultation with our local health department and community partners. In September 2006, State Health Commissioner Judy Monroe, M.D., established four Community Advisory Groups (CAG) to advise her on four issues critical to Indiana’s pandemic influenza preparedness:
- the role of antiviral medication,
- community containment measures,
- altered standards of care, and
- mental health issues.
Membership for each CAG included representatives from local health departments, medical professionals, and other members of the community. Each CAG was provided with a subject matter expert and a bioethicist to help guide the discussion. These groups had a rigorous schedule. Each CAG met three times in October to discuss and deliberate on these issues. After the CAGs completed their deliberations and formed their recommendations, the ISDH State Pandemic Influenza Planning Committee reviewed and discussed the proposed recommendations and provided comments, which have been incorporated into this report.
This report outlines the recommendations from each Community Advisory Group and provides insight into information leading to each CAG’s respective recommendations. The recommendations from the CAGs should be viewed in the context of the information available at the time of their deliberations (October 2006). Three of the four CAGs will continue to meet and the fourth (Mental Health) is well on the way to realizing its recommendations.
Click here for the "Report to the State Health Commissioner on the Findings and Recommendations of the Pandemic Influenza Community Advisory Groups."
Page last updated: December 31, 2006
Page last reviewed: August 1, 2016