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Environmental Microbiology

Food Microbiology Section

Food Microbiology Section isolates/identifies pathogens, foreign material, and insects in food products.  The laboratory supports investigations of alleged food-borne illness incidents, consumer complaints, federally required routine surveillance of dairy products produced in Indiana, and required federal surveillance of the meat program for Salmonella.  These investigations and monitoring programs are conducted for the citizens of Indiana by the Food Protection Division at the Indiana State Department of Health, local health departments, and the Indiana Board of Animal Health.

All samples submitted for a food, drug, or dairy analysis must be submitted through the Food Protection Division at the Indiana State Department of Health, or the Indiana Board of Animal Health.  No specimens will be routinely accepted if sent directly to the laboratory.

Water Microbiology Section

Water Microbiology Section provides microbiological laboratory services required by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), Indiana Board of Animal Health (IBOAH), the ISDH Sanitary Engineering Division and the Food Protection Division and other state agencies and institutions.  Basic EPA approved drinking water microbiological testing is also provided for a fee to public and private water suppliers and to individual Indiana citizens with residential wells.  The routine tests include Total Coliform (P/A—MMO-MUG) , E. coli (P/A—MMO-MUG). E. coli (MF)and Heterotrophic Plate Count.

Available Tests

Dairy Products Microbiology
Food Complaints Microbiology
Meat Products Microbiology
Water Microbiology