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EMResource, eICS, and WebEOC
EMResource is a web-based resource management and communication tool developed by Juvare. EMResource is used by healthcare, public health, first responders, and other healthcare and government agencies. This system is utilized to monitor and notify changes in resources statuses such as diversions, EOC activations, resource availability, and other information.
eICS is a web-based electronic incident management and communication tool develped by Juvare. eICS is used by healthcare, public health, and other partners to alert and manage incidents by organizations. eICS allows for event notifications, virtual incident management, development of incident action plans and logs, and manage the overall tasks and objectives of an incident.
WebEOC is a crisis information management system, used by the State of Indiana, as a communications platform for local, county and state emergency managers/homeland security partners. This tool is used to help capture emergency and disaster information. The system is a platform, which will support real-time, simultaneous information sharing. During an emergency or disaster, the system allows emergency management partners to share information, document issues and track missions supporting local incident commanders. WebEOC is used on a daily basis in Indiana by emergency management personnel at the local, county and state level.
Only personnel who may serve in an operational capacity during an incident should have access to WebEOC. Additionally, sensitive information is contained in this Homeland Security System, and only vetted personnel will become authorized users. County emergency management directors provide access to county areas in the system. IDHS manages access for all state and federal partners.