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Data Sources
- – This website has customized reports describing over 100 measures of diversity, opportunity and quality of life for 362 metropolitan areas.
- Commonwealth Fund program on Health Care Disparities - The fund supports projects that improve the performance of minority serving safety-net hospitals and ambulatory care providers in order to reduce disparities in access to high quality care.
- Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Epidemiology Center (GLITEC) - The purpose of the GLITEC is to improve the health of Tribal communities by assisting with data needs through partnership development, community based research, education and technical assistance.
- Health Disparities Calculator (HD*Calc) - The HD*Calc is a statistical software designed to generate multiple summary measures to evaluate and monitor health disparities
- Indiana Minority Health Coalition, Inc.(IMHC), The Framework, Foundation, and Integral Role In Addressing Indiana’s Minority Health Disparities, Executive Summary, March 2011 - This report highlights the development of IMHC and its efforts to reduce health disparities in Indiana.
- Indiana State Department of Health, Reports and Statistics A-Z – Provides links to Indiana State Department of Health data sources
- National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports (NHQDR) Net – An Interactive tool to explore data from the National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports.
- Health Indicators Warehouse - This web-based tool provides local public health agencies access to county health status profiles for improving community health by identifying resources and setting priorities.
- Health Research and Educational Trust (HRET): A Toolkit for Collecting Race, Ethnicity, and Primary Language Information from Patients - The toolkit is a web-based tool that provides information and resources for systematically collecting race, ethnicity, and primary language data from patients.
- National Institute of Mental Health, NIH (NIMH) - Disparities in Mental Health Services Research - This program supports research that examines innovative services interventions such as community-based participatory methods to overcome mental health disparities related to mental health service delivery and use.
- The Henry J. Kaiser, Kaiser Family Foundation, State Health Facts –Minority Health – This website provides up-to-date and easy to use health data for all 50 states, on more than 700 health topics including minority health.
Under Minority Health Resources include the following:
- National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) - Roots of Health Inequity Web Course
- National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) - Health Disparities Toolkit for Public Health Agencies to Improve Their Practices
- RACE - The Power of an Illusion