
Main Content


VFC Providers

ISDH Immunization Staff Directory Maps

Indiana Policies and Procedures

VFC Forms & Quick Reference Guides

Patient Eligibility Screening Resources

Forms to support VFC-enrolled providers in ensuring VFC elibility screening takes place with each immunization visit for all patients.

Vaccine Inventory & Wastage Forms

Forms to support VFC-enrolled providers in managing and maintaining adequate inventory of vaccine for both VFC eligible and non-VFC eligible patients.

Enrollment & Disenrollment

Off-Site Clinic Forms

CHIRP Quick Reference Guides

Storage and Handling

2020 CDC Storage and Handling Toolkit (NEW: January 2020)

Data Loggers

Storage Units and Equipment

Temperature Logs

Vaccine Order Management System (VOMS)

Please visit the CHIRP VOMS page for VOMS paperwork and information.


Contact your field representative, educator, or the Immunization Division for more information. You can send an email to immunize@isdh.in.gov or call the toll free number at (800) 701-0704.