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Becoming a Main Street Community

Indiana Main Street Application Process

1. Contact your region’s OCRA Community Liaison (CL) for an introduction to Indiana Main Street.  The list of Community Liaison's can be found on this webpage.

  • The Community Liaison will present the community with a basic overview of the background of what it means to be a Main Street community - CLs will outline the steps to becoming a Main Street community, and answer basic questions about the program.
  • At this meeting, the Community Liaison will provide the community with the next steps and instructions on how to apply. 
  • The community will then work on completing the application and required attachments.

2. Community Liaison will maintain contact with the community as they work through the electronic application and attachments.

  • The Community Liaison will maintain contact with the community in order to assist in completing application. However, it is the responsibility of the community to collect all necessary documentation and data for application.
  • CLs will make determination if community’s Main Street area meets historic fabric eligibility requirements.

3. Once complete, the community will submit application via the Indiana Grants Management System. 



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