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Stellar Partners

Originated by OCRA, IHCDA and INDOT, state agency partners now include:

Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs 
The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs' mission is to work with local, state, and national partners to provide resources and technical assistance to assist communities in shaping and achieving their vision for community and economic development. 

Matt Crouch, Interim Executive Director

Indiana Housing and Community Development Authorityihcda
To provide housing opportunities, promote self-sufficiency, and strengthen communities by creating and preserving housing for Indiana most vulnerable population, enhance self-sufficiency initiatives in existing programs, promote a value driven culture of continuous improvement, and promote place-based initiatives that will allow Hoosiers opportunities to improve their quality of life. 

Ryan Hamlett, Placemaking Manager

Indiana Department of Transportationtransportation
INDOT will plan, build, maintain, and operate a superior transportation system enhancing safety, mobility, and economic growth.

Kathy Eaton-McKalip, LPA/MPO Grant Administrator


Indiana Office of Tourism Development
IOTD is dedicated to enhancing the economic vitality of Indiana, its destinations and tourism-related assets through leadership, resource support, strategic planning, and marketing expertise.

Department of Natural Resourcesdnr
To protect, enhance, preserve, and wisely use natural, cultural, and recreational resources for the benefit of Indiana's citizens through professional leadership, management, and education.

Chris Smith, Deputy Director

Indiana State Department of Healthhealth
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) promotes and provides essential public health services to create a healthier and safer Indiana. The Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity (DNPA) addresses the problems of poor nutrition, sedentary behaviors and obesity, and other chronic diseases in Indiana.

Joyce Fillenwarth, InSORH Manager
Indiana Arts Commission
The Arts Commission advocates arts development opportunities across the state, and stewards effective use of public and private resources for the arts. It stimulates public interest in, and participation with, Indiana's diverse arts resources and cultural heritage. The Arts Commission works to enhance public awareness of the arts, life-long learning opportunities, and arts education programs. Governed by a 15-member board of gubernatorial appointees, the IAC serves all citizens and regions of the state.

Miah Michaelsen, Deputy Director

Indiana Bond Bank
The primary mission of the Indiana Bond Bank is to assist local government in obtaining low-cost financing for their operations. To achieve our mission, the Bond Bank has developed several programs tailored to specific financing needs. 

Mark Wuellner, Executive Director

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