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Rule Approval Process

The rule promulgation process for proposed rules has two stages:

Regulatory Moratorium

Prior to filing a notice of intent to file a proposed rule with the Legislative Services Agency (LSA), an agency must obtain a waiver from the Regulatory Moratorium pursuant to Executive Order 13-03. Requests for exemptions should be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) via SBARules@sba.IN.gov. The requesting agency should review Financial Management Circular 2015-1 for guidance regarding the information required for review. OMB will notify the requesting agency of its determination once a final determination has been made. If a waiver is granted, the requesting agency may then proceed to file a notice of intent to adopt a rule under IC 4-22-2-23, IC 13-14-9, or other rule-making authority.

Executive Order 13-03

Administrative Rulemaking

Prior to submission of a proposed rule to LSA for publication in the Indiana Register, the requesting agency must submit the proposed rule to the State Budget Agency for review and approval pursuant to Executive Order 2-89. Requests for review should be sent to SBARules@sba.IN.gov. The requesting agency should review Financial Management Circular 2010-4 for guidance regarding the information required for review. The requesting agency will be notified of the Budget Director’s determination once a final determination has been made.

Executive Order 2-89

Contact Information

Questions should be directed to:

Justin McAdam
Deputy Director & Chief Legal Counsel
Office of Management and Budget