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Accessibility and Fraud Grievance Line

Toll-Free Election Fraud and Accessibility Grievance Line

Do you have a complaint about your polling place's accessibility limitations or are you concerned about fraudulent activities on Election Day? A toll-free phone line now exists to make your voice heard. We need your help to identify areas needing assistance so the issues can be resolved prior to the General Election in November.

The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) requires at least one accessible voting machine be placed in each polling place in addition to making the facility physically accessible. The Secretary of State and Indiana Election Division have been working with county election administrators to make these changes and upgrade polling places as of the 2006 Primary Election. All polling locations in the State of Indiana should be compliant.

The toll-free number is: 866-IN1-VOTE (866-461-8683). HAVA staff will be on hand to answer the calls from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM EDT on Election Day
and 8:00-4:30 on regular business days.

Download a Fraud and Accessibility Grievance Form. (28KB PDF)

After the form has been notarized, please submit it to the HAVA Office at the address listed on top of the form.  The form will be reviewed by the Election Division to determine if a violation may have occurred.  If a violation may have occurred, then the complaint will be investigated.

Local contacts for all 92 counties