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Ongoing - Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson is proud to partner with Girl Scouts of Central Indiana for numerous events and programming. In addition to hosting specific events like Savvy Citizen program and Girl Scout Day at the Indiana Statehouse, our members of outreach staff can serve as expert guides to help Girl Scouts earn badges related to civics and personal finance. All of our programming is FREE. Contact Kelly Griese at kgriese@sos.in.gov to learn more about how we can help your Girl Scout troop. And don't forget to check out the "I Promised a Girl Scout I Would Vote" patch program. It was developled by the office of the Indiana Secretary of State to encourage young girls to be active citizens. Here are some upcoming opportunities for Girl Scouts to connect with our office: 

  • September 14, 2019 - Savvy Citizen program for Juniors (registration for this year's event is now closed)
  • October 19, 2019 - Girl Scouts Circle the City slumber party (register using this link
  • April 21, 2020 - Girl Scouts at the Indiana Statehouse (registration opening soon) 


Ongoing -  Join the Avengers and a special guest in this exciting educational comic about saving money and saving the day. The Indiana Secretary of State's office presents "Avengers Saving the Day." This FREE educational program was developed by Marvel Comics and Visa's Practical Money Skills. Using a special edition comic book that features the Avengers superheroes, children learn about financial concepts such as banking, budgeting, saving, investing, and credit. All children who attend receive a free, take-home copy of the comic book and an Avengers-themed budget worksheet. We encourage schools, out-of-school programs, libraries, and comic shops to invite us to your location. We'll bring the comic books and the financial knowledge, and you bring the kids! If you are interested in hosting "Avengers Saving the Day," please email Kelly Griese at kgriese@sos.in.gov.


Ongoing - Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson believes Hoosiers can start thinking and learning about financial fitness at any age. The purpose of this reading program is to help elementary age students learn about smart money management and how to apply this skill to their own lives. Students can participate independently or through participating libraries. This program is available year round. Suggested books and activities can be found on Secretary Lawson's website by following this link


If you have questions about attending one of our events, or if you would like to request a guest speaker, please contact Kelly Griese at kgriese@sos.in.gov or 317-233-3985.