Fairbanks Landing FWA advisories
- The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has adjusted services, events and operations to protect Hoosiers and prevent further spread of COVID-19. Please visit on.IN.gov/dnrcovid19 for a listing of what is open, closed, restricted and canceled.
- All visitors must obtain a one-day access permit before entering the field, regardless of their activity. Visitors must keep their one-day access permit on them while visiting and must complete and return their permit to a self-service booth, drop-box, or the office before leaving.
- Description
Fairbanks Landing is managed by Goose Pond Fish & Wildlife Area (FWA). For more information call the Goose Pond office at 812-512-9185.
Fairbanks Landing is being operated under an agreement between Indiana Michigan Power and Indiana Division of Fish & Wildlife.
- Activities
- Fishing is allowed. All state rules and regulations apply.
- Deer, quail, rabbit, squirrel, dove, woodcock, waterfowl and wild turkey are common.
- All hunters are required to check in to hunt, daily, at the self-service check station at the corner of CR 925 N and CR 800 W.
- The first two days of deer firearms season is by reserve draw only. All other deer hunting is by self-service procedures.
- The first five days of spring turkey hunting is by reserve draw only.
- Quail limit is 4 per day.
- During waterfowl season, there are no daily drawings.
- Fairbanks Landing FWA participates in all youth hunting seasons.
- All hunting seasons and bag limits apply.
- Dog training is permitted in the designated area shown on the property map. This area extends north from C.R. 1050 N to C.R. 1150 N and east from C.R. 800 W to C.R. 675 W. You must sign in on the Dog Running/Night Hunting sheet daily when training dogs.
- Deer stands are allowed overnight between Sept. 15 and Jan. 10. Tree stands must be marked with the owner’s name, address, and phone number OR the owner’s DNR Customer ID Number.
Trapping is by self-service, sign-in procedures. All traps and snares must be set underwater. Please contact Goose Pond FWA for details.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Need a reason to get outside and move? You can volunteer alone or in small groups at this property. Some activities include trash pick-up, basic gardening, painting, and more. Call the property office for details.
Wildlife Watching
- 7,234 acres that includes bottomland woods and adjoining farmlands along the Wabash River, attracting deer, wild turkey, waterfowl, hawks, owls, osprey, bald eagles and a wide variety of songbirds.
- No sign-in is required to scout, fish, hike, forage or wildlife watch.
Neighboring Land
- Chinook and Hillenbrand fish and wildlife areas are located east of Fairbanks. They contain about 5,800 acres of reclaimed grasslands as a byproduct of coal mining.
- Goose Pond Fish & Wildlife Area is approximately 8,000 acres of restored wetlands and grassland, located south of Linton.
NO Camping and NO Swimming Allowed.
Please Read and Obey All Signs.
- Rules
A record of Fish & Wildlife Area property rules can be found on the Indiana Fish & Wildlife Area Rules webpage. Property specific rules can be found below, if applicable. Contact the property directly for specific questions.
In addition to a hunting and/or fishing license, the following permits are required:
All hunters must check in at the corner of CR 925 N and CR 800 W before hunting and obtain a one-day permit card.
Park along county roads (off of the county right-of-way), within 50 feet of the road. Keep access roads, farmland or access to farmland clear.
- Maps