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Forestry Best Management Practices

Cost-Share Program

Logging operations in the State of Indiana are eligible to apply for cost-share dollars that will help defray the expense of BMP installations on harvest sites, depending on the location and timing of the harvest. Limitations are based on specific grant parameters and available dollars. The available cost share on each harvest operation is 75% of the actual cost of implementing the BMP’s on the operation, not to exceed $650.00.

Eligible cost-share expenses include:

  1. man hours (planning, layout, construction)
  2. equipment hours
  3. supplies (mulch, seed, stone, culverts, etc)
  4. equipment rental (timber bridge)

For more information or to receive a grant application, contact Duane McCoy, LTB Forester, at dmccoy@dnr.IN.gov or (317) 232-4112; or write DNR Division of Forestry, ATTN: LTB, 402 W. Washington St.,Room W296, Indianapolis IN 46204.