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Tree Seedling Nurseries
State Nurseries & Tree Seeding Sales
Nurseries Mission Statement
Our Mission is to grow and distribute to Indiana landowners high quality plant materials for conservation plantings. Conservation plantings include plantings for timber, windbreaks, wildlife food and habitat, watershed and soil protection, reclamation and education.
Quality: We produce and distribute the highest quality stock that our knowledge and resources permit. We produce a diverse group of species from the best seed sources available, which includes progeny-tested seed orchard sources when available. We mix all seed lots to ensure each landowner obtains the highest quality and most diverse stock possible.
A message from Indiana's State Forester
Conservation tree planting is one of our oldest and best-supported forest stewardship programs. Planting trees provides benefits both to individuals and to society. Tree planting compliments nearly every major land stewardship program, especially efforts in lake enhancement, wetlands, filter strips, and other programs for long-term environmental improvement. Tree planting represents a partnership between state nurseries and landowners, where both partners voluntarily commit to do something positive for the future of our forest resources. Good luck with your tree planting!
John Seifert
State Forester
Information on State Tree Seedling Nurseries:
- Seed Purchasing Program
- State Nursery Overview
- General Information
- Tree Species Information
- Select Seedlings
- Instructions for Ordering Tree Seedlings and link to order form
- Tree Planting Instructions
- Tree Improvement Program
Addresses of the nurseries:
Jasper-Pulaski Nursery
15508 West 700 North
Medaryville, IN 47957
(Hwy. 421, 5 miles north of Medaryville)
Phone: 219-843-4827
or e-mail
Vallonia Nursery
2782 W. Co. Rd. 540 S.
Mail: P.O. Box 218
Vallonia, IN 47281
(Go south of Brownstown on Hwy. 135 to Vallonia. Turn left on blacktop road and go 2.9 miles to nursery). Signs are posted.
Phone: 812-358-3621
Fax: 812-358-9033
or e-mail