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Tree Species Information

Species listed below are not necessarily available at all times during the sale season of the nurseries. This list is for informational purposes only.

Species Years to Maturity Mature Height (feet) Soil Drainage Seed Bearing Age (Years) Light Needs Value
American plum: Large wildlife shrub that produces abundant white flowers in spring and small edible plums in summer.
American Plum 10 15-30' dry, moist, wet, well-drained 4 full sun wildlife habitat & food & cover
Bald Cypress: Will grow in swamp, also grows well on better soil.
Bald Cypress 50 50-100' dry/well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife cover,windbreak
Basswood: Flowers, honeybees.
Basswood 50 50-110' well drained 10-20 partial sun- full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Black Cherry: Valuable timber.
Black Cherry 50 50-100' well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Black Chokeberry: Attractive shrub.
Black Chokeberry 2-3 5-13' acidic, moist to dry soil 3-5 full sun wildlife food and cover
Black Gum: Relatively low value for timber, blue berries in fall important food for wildlife.
Black Gum 50 50-80' wet, dry, and well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Black Locust: Early fast growth & abundant root sprouts. Improves soil by fixing nitrogen-is a legume.
Black Locust 30 50-80' dry/well drained 10 full sun firewood, posts, timber, fixes nitrogen
Black Oak: Valuable oak timber, adapted to dry soil, consistently produces acorns.
Black Oak 50 50-100' well drained/dry 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Black Walnut: Valuable timber, adapted to fertile, well drained soil.
Black Walnut 50 50-100' well drained 10 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Bur Oak: Valuable timber on moist to wet sites.
Bur Oak 50 50-100' wet, dry, and well drained 10 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Buttonbush: Wildlife cover-food on wet soils, will grow at edge of water.
Buttonbush 3 5-15' well drained 3 full sun wildlife food & cover
Cherrybark Oak:Valuable timber on moist fertile soil, natural range is S. Indiana, grows well on bottomland soil.
Cherrybark Oak 50 50-100' well-drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Chestnut oak: A member of the white oak family adapted to dry, rocky soils. The acorns are an important food source for wildlife.
Chestnut Oak 15 50-100' dry, well-drained 7 full sun wildlife habitat & food & cover, timber
Chinkapin Oak: Valuable timber, adapted to high pH soil.
Chinkapin Oak 50 50-100' dry/well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Common Chokecherry: Resembles Black Cherry
Common Chokecherry 5 20' moist 15-20 full sun to partial shade wildlife food and cover
Eastern Red Cedar: Excellent food and cover, windbreak for dry or high pH soil, cedar apple rust can be a problem when planted near Washington Hawthorn or related species.
Eastern Red Cedar 30 30-60' wet, dry, and well drained 10 full sun wildlife food & cover, windbreak, timber, post.
Elderberry: Medium size wildlife shrub producing large clusters of small white flowers in spring and small blue fruit in summer.
Elderberry 5 5-10' moist, wet, well-drained 2 full sun, partial shade wildlife habitat & food & cover
Flowering Crabapple: Large crop of small fruit that persists into winter providing food for wildlife.
Flowering Crabapple 5 15-40' well drained 4 full sun wildlife food & cover
Small tree well-known for its white flowers in spring. The red fruit is an important food for many species of wildlife.
Flowering Dogwood 50 15-30' well-drained 4 full sun, partial shade wildlife habitat & food & cover
Gray dogwood: Medium size wildlife shrub with clusters of white flowers in spring and white fruit in fall. Important food and cover for wildlife.
Gray Dogwood 15 5-10' moist, well-drained 5 full sun, partial shade wildlife habitat & food & cover
Green Ash: Valuable timber on all but dry soil, adapted to wet soil.
Green Ash 50 50-100' well drained/wet 10 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Hazelnut: Native hazelnut adapted to all but very wet very dry soils.
Hazelnut 3 5-10' well-drained 3 full sun wildlife food & cover
Highbush Cranberry: Red fruit persists until late winter providing wildlife food in severe winters.
Highbush Cranberry 5 5-15' well drained/wet 3 partial shade wildlife food & cover
Kentucky Coffeetree: Suited for moist streambank sites.
Kentucky Coffeetree 50 50-100' well drained 20-30 full sun timber, post, firewood
Ninebark: Fast growing shrub for moist to wet soil, attractive flower.
Ninebark 10 6-9' well drained/wet 3 partial shade-full-sun wildlife food & cover
Northern White Cedar: Excellent windbreak, severe damage from bagworms in S. Indiana.
Northern White Cedar 30 30-60' well drained 10 full sun windbreak, wildlife food & cover
Northern Bayberry: Wildlife cover and food, improves soil by fixing nitrogen, adapted to all but very wet and very dry soil.
Northern Bayberry 5 5-20' wet, dry, and well drained 4 full sun wildlife food & cover
Norway Spruce: Windbreak for moist fertile soil.
Norway Spruce 30 50-70' well drained/wet 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Overcup Oak: Valuable timber, adapted to very wet soil, natural range S. Indiana.
Overcup Oak 50 50-80' well drained/wet 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Pawpaw: Pawpaw fruit is a valuable wildlife food. Native shrub growing in shade of trees but much more productive in full sun.
Pawpaw 5 10-30' well drained/wet 5 partial shade-full sun wildlife food & cover
Pecan: Valuable timber on moist fertile soil, hardy to N. Indiana, grows well on moist bottomland soil.
Pecan 50 50-100' well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Persimmon: Excellent wildlife food and valuable timber.
Persimmon 30 30-70' well drained/wet 10 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Pignut Hickory: Valuable timber.
Pignut Hickory 50 50-100' well drained/wet 20-30 partial shade-full sun timber, wildlife food & cover, firewood
Pin Oak: Adapted to very wet soil, will not tolerate high pH soil.
Pin Oak 50 50-100' well drained/wet 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Pitch Loblolly Pine: Replacement for red pine in southern Indiana.
Pitch Loblolly Pine 40 50-100' well drained/wet 10-20 full sun erosion control, timber, wildlife food & cover
Red Bud: Flowers-attractive to pollinators.
Red Bud 10 30' well drained/wet 5 full sun-partial shade wildlife food & cover
Red Oak: Valuable timber on moist fertile soil, not suited for very wet or dry soil.
Red Oak 50 50-100' well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Red Pine: Windbreak for dry soil, best for central and N. Indiana.
Red Pine 30 40-80' dry/well drained 10 full sun Windbreak, wildlife cover, timber
River Birch: Rapid growth and adapted to very wet soil.
River Birch 40 40-80' well drained/wet 10 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Scarlet Oak: Adapted to dry acid soil, abundant acorn crops.
Scarlet Oak 50 50-100' dry/well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Shagbark Hickory: Valuable timber.
Shagbark Hickory 50 50-100' well drained/wet 20-30 partial shade-full sun timber, wildlife food & cover, firewood
Long lived, large seeded hickory adapted to moist or wet soil. Bark provides shelter for bats and nuts consumed by humans and wildlife.
Shellbark Hickory 100 50-100' moist, wet, well-drained 20 full sun wildlife habitat & food & cover, timber
Shingle Oak: Adapted from dry to wet soil, abundant acorn crops.
Shingle Oak 50 50-100' wet, dry, and well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Shumard Oak: Valuable timber on good soils, adapted to soils with high pH and wet, but not swampy soil, grows well on moist bottomland soil. Has good form and rapid growth.
Shumard Oak 50 50-100' well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Silky Dogwood: Wildlife cover and summer food, will grow at waters edge.
Silky Dogwood 3 5-10' well drained/wet 3 partial shade wildlife food & cover
Silver Maple: Adapted to stream bank soil, fast growth.
Silver Maple 30 50-100' well drained/wet 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Spicebush: Medium size wildlife shrub that will grow in full or partial shade on moist soils. Red fruit is food source for migrating song birds.
Spicebush 10 5-10' moist, wet, well-drained 3 full sun, partial shade wildlife habitat & food & cover
Sugar Maple: Valuable timber.
Sugar Maple 50 50-100' well drained 20-30 partial shade-full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Swamp White Oak: Valuable timber adapted to wet soils.
Swamp White Oak 50 50-100' well drained/wet 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Swamp Chestnut Oak: Valuable timber on moist but not extremely moist soils, grows well on moist bottomland soil.
Swamp Chestnut Oak 50 50-100' well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Sweetgum: Adapted to very wet soil. Natural range is central and southern Indiana.
Sweetgum 50 50-100' well drained/wet 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Sycamore: Adapted to wet soil, fast growth.
Sycamore 50 50-120' well drained/wet 15 full sun timber, wildlife cover
Tuliptree: Valuable timber and fast growth on moist soil.
Tuliptree 50 50-120' well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Virginia Pine: Will stabilize severely eroded soil, windbreak on poor soil.
Virginia Pine 30 30-80' dry/well drained 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
Washington Hawthorn: Excellent cover and winter food for wildlife/thorns protect nests, may be damaged by cedar apple rust if planted near eastern red cedar.
Washington Hawthorn 5 15-30' well drained 4 full sun wildlife food & cover
White Ash: Valuable timber on all but dry sites, adapted to wet soil.
White Ash 50 50-100' well drained/wet 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
White Oak: Valuable timber on a wide range of soils from moist to dry.
White Oak 50 50-100' well drained/wet 15 full sun timber, wildlife food & cover
White Pine: Fast growing windbreaks on all but wet or very dry soil.
White Pine 40 50-100' well drained/wet 15 full sun windbreak, wildlife food & cover, timber

Please note: tree seedling species offered vary each year