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Indiana Forest Facts

  • Indiana has 4.7 million acres of forestland (just over 20% of IN land base) and 4.6 million acres of timberland. (Source - Forest Inventory and Analysis Data 2004-2008)

  • The area of timberland in Indiana has steadily increased since the 1960's. Timberland increased from 3.896 million acres in 1967, to 4.342 million acres in 1998, to 4.631 million acres in 2008. (Source - Forest Inventory and Analysis Data 2004-2008)

  • Approximately 190,000 private landowners own approximately 87% of the timberland in Indiana.  In 2008, 3.9 million acres of timberland was classified as "private" ownership. 

  • More than 635,000 acres (13,033 tracts) have been enrolled into the Classified Forest program.

  • On average, Indiana's forests are growing in volume more than 3.8 times the amount being removed. (Source - Forest Inventory and Analysis Data 2004-2008)

  • 95% of Indiana's forests are classified as hardwood forest types.  Primary forest types are oak / hickory (3.4 million acres) and elm / ash / cottonwood (580 thousand acres).  (Source - Forest Inventory and Analysis Data 2004-2008)

  • Forest products manufacturing is a $3 billion a year industry in Indiana.  Using regional economic modeling, that figure grows to $17 billion. (Source - Indiana's Hardwood Industry-Its Economic Impact)

  • The Indiana forest products industry employs more than 50,000 people with most of the industry concentrated in the southern half of the state.  (Source - 2006 Economic Census)

  • Forest-based manufacturing provided $3.77 billion in value-added, $8 billion in value of shipments to Indiana's economy, and a payroll of $1.4 billion in 2006.  (Source- 2006 Economic Census)

  • Indiana ranks 9th nationally in total lumber production and third in hardwood lumber production.  (Source - 2009-2010 Directory of Professional Foresters)

  • The 2005 Timber Products Output survey determined there were 236 primary mills in Indiana. Primary mills are those mills that use logs as their primary raw material to produce various forest products.

  • Indiana forest products industry is the 6th largest industry in Indiana.  (Source - 2009-2010 Directory of Professional Foresters)