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Taking Care of the Site

Woodland Grazing-Keep livestock out of the woods

Where farm animals and livestock have access to forest areas, there is a high risk of accelerated soil erosion and reduced water quality.

General Guidelines:

  • Keep livestock out of the woods. Small stable areas of the woods may be included in the pasture where necessary for shade, wind protection or access to water supplies.
  • Convert some of the marginal forest land into stable, productive pasture with scattered or clumped trees for shade and shelter. Protect the remainder of the woods and the pasture trees from active grazing.
  • Develop alternate livestock watering supplies away from water courses where practicable.
  • Provide extra protection, such as fencing, around springs, streams, sinkhole openings, and erosive slopes to exclude livestock traffic.
  • Maintain a strip of undisturbed vegetation next to waterways to filter sediments and excess nutrients before they enter the water.


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