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Planning log landings

Identify site limitations and job needs. Coordinate harvest tree selection, skid trails, log landings, and access roads. 

General Guidelines:

  • Keep the number and size of landings to the minimum needed to operate safely and efficiently.
  • Choose a site that will hold up under anticipated use by heavy equipment.
  • Avoid sensitive areas, such as riparian management zones, waterways, caves, springs, seeps, and open sinkholes.
  • Maintain an undisturbed buffer strip between log landings and sensitive areas.
  • Locate landings on slightly sloping ground where soil and site characteristics facilitate drainage and minimize erosion problems.
  • Design landings to provide safe access and visibility onto highway when next to public roads.
  • Consider aesthetics when planning log landings next to roadways and other visually sensitive areas.
  • When possible, maintain a buffer screen next to public roads and trails for aesthetic purposes.
  • Notify appropriate utility companies before locating landings near overhead and underground utilities.

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