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Virginia Pine-Chestnut Oak Nature Preserve
County: Scott
Size: 24 acres
Ownership: Forestry - DNR
Location and Access
The forest road may be difficult to follow, so stopping at the forest headquarters for directions is advised. From Henryville go north 0.9 miles on U.S. 31 and turn left on the main forest road. Follow this road to the preserve, which is about 0.5 miles west of the lookout tower. Park along the roadside. The Knobstone Trail runs southwest through the preserve.
This extremely hilly area is formed upon lower Mississippian sandstones, shales, and limestone. The preserve includes a ridge top and surrounding slopes. The forest is predominantly Virginia pine on the upper slopes and chestnut oak on the lower. Midway down the slope there is a transition zone between the two dominant trees; white and scarlet oaks mingle with the Virginia pine and chestnut oak. The understory in the preserve is quite sparse. Much of it is greenbrier, poison ivy, dogwood, and sassafras. Native stands of Virginia pine are not common in Indiana and are confined to the Knobstone Region in Floyd, Clark, and Scott Counties.
Further Information
Clark State Forest, P.O. Box 119, Henryville, IN 47126, 812-294-4306 or Division of Nature Preserves, 402 W. Washington St., Rm W267, Indianapolis, IN 46204, 317-232-4052.
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