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Scout Ridge Nature Preserve

County: Monroe
Size: 15 acres
Ownership: Forestry - IDNR

Location and Access

This preserve is located south of Martinsville in Morgan-Monroe State Forest. From Martinsville take SR 37 south about 4.7 mi. to Main Forest Rd. Turn east (left) onto Main Forest Rd. and follow it to just north of Fire Headquarters, then go east (right) on the first road to a preserve sign. Park at the camping picnic shelter at the Scout Ridge Youth Campground. There is a self-guiding trail through the preserve.

Scout Ridge Nature Preserve


Beech-maple is the dominant forest type on much of the preserve. Oak-hickory forest is found on the western edge. On the east slope the forest tends toward mixed mesophytic type, although beech-maple still predominates. The understory includes spicebush, pawpaw, mapleleaf viburnum, red elm, and sugar maple. Seven different ferns and many spring and early summer wildflowers make up the herbaceous layer. A tornado in 1989 severely damaged a portion of the woods.

Scout Ridge is on the edge of Illinois glaciation. The glacier extended into the valleys without leveling the hills. Glacial boulders are present in the streambed while bedrock consists of Mississippian limestones and shales.

Further Information

Morgan-Monroe State Forest, 6220 Forest Rd., Martinsville, IN 46151, (765) 342-4026 or Division of Nature Preserves, 402 W. Washington St., Rm. W267, Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 232-4052.

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