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Indiana Arbor Day Free seedlings
Indiana Arbor Day
The Indiana DNR tree seedling nurseries provide a tree seedling for each Indiana third grade student whose school and teachers wish to participate in the Arbor Day program.
A letter is mailed to every Indiana school in January of each year. To receive a tree seedling for every third grader, the school's Arbor Day coordinator or principal must return the postcard to Vallonia Nursery by the date indicated in the letter.
Each Indiana school may also receive an Arbor Day seedling to plant on the school grounds. The seedling is ordered at the same time as the third grade seedlings.
To ensure your school receives its third grade trees and school seedling, be sure to return the postcard from the DNR by the date indicated!
Questions? Contact:
Vallonia Nursery
2782 W Co. Rd. 540 S.
Vallonia, IN 47281
Phone: (812) 358-3621