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The Healthy Rivers INitiative project areas feature nearly 30,000 acres of publicly accessible lands. Over 14,000 acres of public land have been purchased and opened through HRI since the initiative was launched in 2010, contributing to the creation of the Sugar Creek, Wabash River, and Austin Bottoms conservation areas and the expansion of existing Fish & Wildlife Areas. These new DNR lands compliment, connect, and expand the existing 15,000 acres of state land in the Sugar Creek, Wabash River, and Muscatatuck River project areas.
Plan your visit to one of the three scenic and unique project areas by learning more about public land opportunities below.
Sugar Creek Project Area
Wabash River Project Area
- HRI Wabash River Conservation Area
- Wabashiki Fish and Wildlife Area
- Fairbanks Landing Fish and Wildlife Area
Muscatatuck River Project Area