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In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program | Conservation Partners

ILF for conservation partners

IN SWMP actively seeks qualified partner agencies and organizations interested in the restoration and conservation of Indiana’s aquatic resources, and associated habitats. IN SWMP has funding available for planning, design, implementation, and long-term management to restore Indiana’s streams, floodplains, and wetlands. These areas will be permanently protected through real estate instruments such as conservation easements.

The IN SWMP recognizes that locally based watershed needs are best identified by local stakeholders that live and/or operate within that watershed. They know the threats to, historic loss and current condition of their aquatic resources. The conservation goals and objectives prioritized by the local groups to help improve the ecological functions and services these resources provide will assist in ensuring that mitigation projects provide those necessary services to the local community.

Together, we have the opportunity to plan and carry out aquatic resource restorations using a landscape-based watershed approach that will result in more significant ecological lift for mitigation projects in Indiana that will provide for long-term protection and management in perpetuity.

Potential long-term conservation stewardship partners include:

  • Land Trusts and other conservation-focused non-profit organizations
  • Municipal and county government (parks and recreation departments)
  • State and federal government conservation agencies
  • Academic institutions

Benefits of a long-term conservation stewardship partnership with IN SWMP:

  • You participate in the restoration planning, design and long-term management plans that are funded with in-lieu fee credit sales.
  • DNR’s IN SWMP pays for the design, construction, monitoring and site maintenance of the restoration project from the beginning until successfully released from regulatory monitoring requirements.
  • Long-term management funds up to 20 percent of the total project budget (will vary based upon the long-term management plan and needs for each project).
  • Together we restore aquatic resources, improve ecological integrity, and help protect fish, wildlife and native botanical resources for future generations.
  • IN SWMP projects can be a part of a larger, more significant conservation project with additional partners and IN SWMP project funds could potentially be used as a match for the larger project (specific details will need to be discussed with DNR staff).

While DNR will hold conservation easements over all IN SWMP projects, we would ideally prefer to seek landholding conservation partners to own and manage the projects, long term, with funding and support provided by the DNR through IN SWMP.

We encourage you to explore the IN SWMP Compensation Planning Framework and to contact us to discover how we can work together toward the common goal of protecting and restoring Indiana’s aquatic resources.