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Salamonie Lake - Hunting and Trapping
9214 West-Lost Bridge West
Andrews, IN 46702-9731
(260) 468-2125
Lost Bridge West SRA, Lost Bridge East SRA, Dora-New Holland SRA, Mount Etna SRA, Mount Hope SRA
The Salamonie Reservoir and Salamonie River State Forest offer something for everyone, with hunting opportunities for upland game, furbearers, waterfowl and whitetail deer. The Reservoir property offers approximately 8,000 acres of wildlife management area comprised of mixed cover varying from open fields and cropland to mature forest. Hunting is best for rabbits, fox squirrels, deer, wild turkeys and mourning doves. Numerous small ponds and marshes offer opportunities for waterfowl hunting, furbearer trapping and wildlife watching. The nearby Salamonie River State Forest consists of 850 acres of mostly mature woodland bordering the Salamonie River. Mature stands of mast trees provide food and shelter for wild turkeys, fox squirrels and furbearers. As an added bonus, the Salamonie River State Forest is listed as one of Indiana’s top ten bird watching hotspots.
For people who require wheelchair access to hunt, the Lost Bridge East SRA offers old roads that are closed to motor vehicle traffic and accessible by wheelchair. Hunters and wildlife watchers can expect to see deer, squirrels, rabbits, and wild turkeys along these abandoned roadsides.
It is mandatory for hunters to obtain a hunting-permit card prior to hunting on Salamonie Reservoir or Salamonie River State Forest property. Hunters can obtain a permit card at one of the sign-in stations or from the property office. Hunters are also required to legibly write their license number, print their name, print their address, print the date of hunt, and sign their name to the card and liability waiver prior to hunting. Hunters are required to carry the permit card with them during the hunt and present it to Law Enforcement Officers upon request. After hunting, hunters are required to fill out the remaining information requested on the card and turn it in to the same sign-in station from which they obtained the card. ALL HUNTER-PERMIT CARD INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL BY THE DIVISION OF STATE PARKS AND RESERVOIRS. Cards are destroyed after the information is gathered from them. This information helps justify funding and obtain knowledge for wildlife management.
Property Boundaries
Orange carsonite posts mark the property boundaries at corners and along straight-aways every 200 feet. Stickers on the posts always face private property.
Salamonie Reservoir has a permanent refuge and a seasonal refuge, which are marked on the property-brochure map. The seasonal refuge is closed to hunting on land, trapping, and bank fishing from October 1 to January 15. The permanent refuge is permanently closed to these activities.
Safety Zones
Salamonie Reservoir has posted safety zones that are included in the property map. Hunters must not have a loaded firearm in a safety zone. All archery equipment or firearms must be stored in a closed compartment separate from arrows or ammunition, while in a safety zone. Hunting is allowed on land exposed by water draw down, which lies adjacent to safety zones and refuges below the summer pool shoreline, from October 1 to February 28. Pay attention to posted signs for safety zones.
In addition to the regulations set forth in the Indiana Hunting and Trapping Guide, additional regulations apply at Salamonie Reservoir. They are listed below.
Woodchuck (Groundhog) hunting on SR and SRSF is allowed by special permit only. Woodchuck hunters must stop at the property office to obtain this free permit.
Spring wild turkey hunting on SR and SRSF is allowed by reserved hunt only. Fall wild turkey hunting is permitted according to statewide regulations.
On Sept. 1-2, mourning dove hunting is not allowed on SR or SRSF except for successful applicants of the reserved dove hunt drawing, which has special regulations. After Sept. 1-2, SR and SRSF are open to public dove hunting for the remainder of the dove seasons. On SR and SRSF, mourning dove hunting is restricted to steel shot size #6 or smaller.
Hunters pursuing white-tailed deer may hunt with archery, firearms, youth, and muzzleloader licenses only. Bonus-antlerless permits are not allowed on SR or SRSF properties.
Waterfowl hunters are required to complete and carry a waterfowl card in lieu of the regular hunting-permit card. If waterfowl hunters pursue other game they will also need to carry a regular hunting-permit card while hunting on SR and the SRSF.
Trapping opportunities are available through a sealed bidding process for specific trapping units. Units range from 25-2500 acres and are leased for a two year period. Beaver, muskrat, and raccoon are common on all lease areas. Contact the property office in late summer for details on the trapping leases available.