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Water Shortage Task Force
March 22, 2007 Meeting Summary
The Water Shortage Task Force conducted its meeting from 10:00 am to 12:15 pm (EDT) on March 22, 2007, in Conference Room A of the IGCS in Indianapolis. The following is a brief summary of committee updates, discussion topics, presentations, suggested action items and motions from the meeting:
Motion made for the election of a Vice Chairman for the Water Shortage Task Force; designate will be determined and named at next full task force meeting.
Committee Updates
- Jim Butcher, Chairman; Monitoring and Assessment Committee
- Carlton Curry, Chairman; Policy and Priority Committee
Discussion/Presentation Items
1) Development of “Glossary of Terms” for Water Shortage Plan.
- Scheduled to be placed on Water Shortage Plan Website for review and comment by June 15th Task Force Meeting.
- DNR will include starter set of “Glossary of Terms” on website; input from interested parties requested by task force.
2) Review of minimum stream flow requirements for various stream uses/needs.
- 7Q10 currently recognized as recommended low flow.
- Stream gaging stations necessary for stream flow evaluation.
- Need for GIS coverage of various streams showing varied uses and designations.
3) Need for Task Force to obtain direction by investigating water supply/drought planning efforts of other states.
- Evaluation of water supply planning in Washington, Texas and Virginia.
- US Army Corps of Engineers have investigated water shortage issue; State of Kentucky has interest in participating with Indiana’s efforts.
- Proposed conference in Indianapolis with regard to water supply and demand.
- House Bill 1738 will require Indiana to evaluate water resources; need for task force to move ahead with this issue.
- Motion was made to bring in speakers for May 18th Committee Meetings – Motion Approved
- Motion was made to appoint representatives (Jack Wittman, Bill Etzler, DNR) of task force to contact and arrange speakers for May 18th meeting – Motion Approved
4) Evaluation of existing conservation ordinances to be used as templates for the Water Shortage Plan.
- Representation of conservation ordinance as Memorandum of Understanding.
- Provide template for communities to design their own specific policies and response to a water shortage.
- Existing conservation ordinance for the City of Carmel will be placed on Water Shortage Plan Website.
- Both urban and agriculture have specific water management plans.
5) Explanation of Palmer Hydrological Drought Index (PDHI)
- Proposal to have drought indicators presented by State Climatologist (Dev Niyogi) at April 20th committee meetings.
6) Summary of web-based hydrologic data available from DNR and USGS
- Overview of Division of Water’s Water Resource Update page by Jerry Unterreiner of DNR, Division of Water.
- Overview of USGS Waterwatch website, USGS Groundwaterwatch website, and USGS Streamstats web site by Scott Morlock of the USGS.
- Approximately 20% of USGS hydrologic data network funded by outside sources (DNR, Army Corps, IDEM, INDOT, etc.).
- Line item funding may be addressed in next legislative session.
- Density of USGS data network typically dictated by needs and location.
- Siavash Beik of CBB Engineers investigating funding options for hydrologic data network.
- Climate data available on following websites:;;
- Website link to Indiana River Rally to be added to Water Shortage Plan website.
7) Summary of Annex 2001
- PowerPoint Presentation of Annex 2001 [pdf version] by Ron McAhron of DNR
- Approval required for diversions to straddling communities, straddling counties and interbasin transfers.
8) Evaluation of SWWF data to identify water use trends by category.
- PowerPoint presentation of SWWF water use and trends [pdf version] by DNR available on Web.
9) Summary of reported ground water and surface water conflicts and resolutions; 1986-2006.
- Map of reported ground water conflicts and map of reported surface water conflicts developed for web page.
- Motion was made to accept conflict summary report with addition of location map – Motion Approved.
Establish Next Meeting Dates
- April 20th – Committee Meetings; 10:00 am and 1:00 pm at IGCS.
- May 18th – Committee Meetings; 10:00 am and 1:00 pm at IGCS.
- June 15th- Full Task Force Meeting; 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at IGCS.