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Water Shortage Task Force
November 30, 2007 Meeting Summary
A meeting of the Water Shortage Task was held on November 30, 2007, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (EST) in Conference Room A of the IGCS in Indianapolis. The following is a brief summary of discussion topics, presentations, suggested action items, motions, and a proposed agenda for the upcoming December 21, 2007, task force meeting:
Committee Updates:
No Committee Meetings were conducted; No updates made.
Discussion/Presentation Items:
Update on status of proposed implementing language for the Great Lakes Compact provided by Ron McAhron of IDNR. Compact has been introduced in Legislature and is moving forward.
State of Michigan has proposed a web-based tool to allow the public to “plug in” proposed withdrawals from the Great Lakes Basin. The Interactive tool would predict impacts on stream flow. A representative from Michigan may be invited to a future Task Force meeting to provide an overview of the tool.
Future meeting dates of the Water Shortage Task Force through June, 2008, are available on the Water Shortage Plan website at PowerPoint presentation “Water Use and Hydrologic Data Network in the Kankakee River Basin” [pdf version] presented by the Division of Water. Presentation provided an overview of water use data, ground-water and surface water hydrologic data network, and water resource conflicts in the Kankakee Basin.
Task Force will evaluate the State’s water resources and hydrologic data network by using the 12 major river basins.
St. Joseph Basin and Lake Michigan Basin may be consolidated for evaluation due to requirements of the Great Lakes Compact.
Evaluate the potential of consolidating 12 basins with existing 9 Hydrologic Regions identified in the state for drought identification.
Task Force must recommend the need to allow for water transfer across basin boundaries.
Task Force members will address specific tasks identified in the 2007 Water Shortage Task Force Report during the next several months. Completion of tasks anticipated by summer of 2008.
Supply and demand analysis necessary for each basin analysis. Kankakee basin will initially be evaluated to determine if available data allows for adequate analysis.
Drought “triggers” and alerts must be determined.
Reduction of water use during times of shortage should not be based upon financial incentives. Communities must have ordinances in place to allow for bans of nonessential water use.
Upcoming Task Force Meeting:
Water Shortage Task Force Meeting scheduled for December 21, 2007, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon (EST) in Conference Room 22 of the IGCS. Tentative agenda items include:
Water shortage plan tasks committee membership and work status
Overview of water supply/demand analysis for the Kankakee River Basin.