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General Description of Metadata & Disclaimer Statement for Boone County, Indiana

Bedrock Surface

This file is a digital geospatial line coverage of bedrock-surface topography for Boone County, Indiana. The mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale using the water well records, oil and gas records, seismic data, and previously published reports and maps of the region. This coverage has been overlain on 1:24,000 scale USGS Digital Raster Quadrangles (quads) to create functional maps for each individual quad in a .pdf format. Coverages are also available for the complete county, but the base map is a planimetric showing major roads, city boundaries, and township-range-section lines. The primary attribute is the elevation of the bedrock surface.

Unconsolidated Thickness

This file is a digital geospatial line coverage of the thickness of unconsolidated deposits in Boone County, Indiana. The mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale using USGS hypsography (land surface contours) digital line graph coverages and a digital geospatial line coverage of bedrock-surface topography for the West Fork of the White River Basin in Indiana. The two coverages were converted into ArcInfo Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN), a product of ESRI. These TINs were then converted into 10-meter grids and the latter subtracted from the former to produce the unconsolidated thickness grid. The resulting grid was then filtered using a low pass filter with 25 iterations to produce smoother lines when contoured. The new grid was contoured in ArcInfo using lattice contour with a 25-foot interval. This coverage has been overlain on 1:24,000 scale USGS Digital Raster Quadrangles (quads) to create functional maps for each individual quad in a .pdf format. Coverages are also available for the complete county, but the base map is a planimetric showing major roads, city boundaries, and township-range-section lines. The primary attribute is the thickness of the unconsolidated deposits. Metadata.

Public Land Survey System

This coverage is basically a grid that is used with the county-scale maps. It shows the outlines and numbers of all Congressional Land Survey sections, townships, and ranges within the county. It was created by the Indiana Geological Survey, who digitized the appropriate lines on 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. Metadata not available.


These maps were compiled by staff of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, using data believed to be reasonably accurate. However, a degree of error is inherent in all maps. These maps are distributed "as-is" without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. These maps are intended for use only at the published scale.