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The Indiana Best Available Floodplain Mapping

The Indiana DNR Division of Water has undertaken a project to create and update traditional Flood Insurance Rate Maps, which are published by FEMA, to include many more stream reaches than are currently officially published in the National Flood Hazard Layer. These additional floodplain data include more than 18,000 stream miles of “Zone A” quality studies, with Base Flood Elevations and Floodway included. This page serves as a resource for obtaining the updated floodplain data for use in a local or county GIS, and for further analysis and planning.

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Data Sources:

Main project page:  https://arcg.is/1m8u1e

The Indiana Floodplain Information Portal:  infip.dnr.IN.gov

ArcGIS REST services:  https://gis.in.gov/arcgis/rest/services/DNR/FloodHazard_BestAvailable_IDNR_IN/MapServer

The links below are for downloading the following datasets by county:

  • FloodHazard_BestAvai_DNR_Water – the Best Available floodplain data, extracted by county
  • Flood_Elevation_Pts_DNR_Water – Flood Elevation Points, representing the Base Flood Elevation (1% Annual Chance Flood or 100-year Flood), referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988

Each zip file contains ESRI shapefiles, referenced to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) horizontal datum (Zone 16, meters, NAD 1983).