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Become a Child Care Provider
If you are interested in becoming a child care provider but don't know what type of provider you are, please read the Indiana Child Care Definitions and refer to the information below about the process for becoming a licensed child care home, licensed child care center or unlicensed registered child care ministry.
To become a licensed child care center provider:
- Complete Orientation 1: Training for child care providers (start-up process and information). This training can be found within Indiana Learning Paths located at I-LEAD.
- Complete Orientation 2: Training for child care centers (preparation for licensure). This training can be found within Indiana Learning Paths located at I-LEAD.
- Submit your application online at I-LEAD.
- Pass onsite inspection from the Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning.
To become a licensed child care home provider:
- Complete Orientation 1: Training for child care providers (start-up process and information). This training can be found within Indiana Learning Paths located at I-LEAD.
- Complete Orientation 2: Training for child care home providers (preparation for licensure). This training can be found within Indiana Learning Paths located at I-LEAD.
- Submit your application online at I-LEAD.
- Pass onsite inspection from the Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning.
To become an unlicensed registered child care ministry provider:
- Complete Orientation 1: Training for child care providers (start-up process and information). This training can be found within Indiana Learning Paths located at I-LEAD.
- Complete Orientation 2: Training for unlicensed registered child care ministries (preparation for registration). This training can be found within Indiana Learning Paths located at I-LEAD.
- Submit your application online at I-LEAD.
- Submit completed application packet to Department of Homeland Security, Fire and Building Safety Division.
- Pass onsite inspection from the Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning.
Legally licensed exempt providers
- To become a CCDF certified unlicensed provider, click here.
- Submit your application online at I-LEAD.
If you believe you might be exempt from licensure, please read the Indiana Code regarding child care licensure exemptions.