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Main Content
DFR Benefits Information
Questions about Pandemic EBT benefits? Click here.
- Apply for benefits online (SNAP (food assistance), TANF (cash assistance), Medicaid, Hoosier Healthwise, HIP)
- Check status, report a change, or receive proof of eligibility
- Using the FSSA benefits portal (video)
- Screening tool (see if you qualify for benefits)
- DFR toll-free phone/FAX number (800-403-0864)
- Map and printable directory (all DFR offices)
- Indiana certified navigator information (help you sign up for health coverage)
Find your local DFR office *Please use your ZIP code from your place of residence:
Or click here for directions nearest DFR office
- DFR offices (TANF (cash assistance), SNAP (food assistance), health coverage)
To find your local DFR office click on your county below: