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IMPACT (Job Training)
Indiana Manpower Placement and Comprehensive Training provides services designed to help recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families achieve economic self-sufficiency through:
- Education
- Training
- Job search
- Job placement activities
IMPACT services are a component of Indiana's Welfare-to-Work program, a critical element of Indiana's welfare reform initiatives which places an increasing emphasis on "work first." "Work First" means that individuals are expected to accept a job when it can be secured with their existing education and skills.
IMPACT offers much more than a job training services because it seeks to address a broad range of barriers that may inhibit individuals from seeking and maintaining employment.
From the time they apply for assistance, employment services are available and individuals are asked to begin their job search. For those not able to find a job right away, additional activities are provided after assessing the person’s strengths and needs, a case manager works with the individual to develop an individualized Self-Sufficiency Plan for employment. The plan outlines the steps required for the client to become self-sufficient.
In addition to job search, the activities could include job readiness activities or an unpaid community work experience with a community or social service agency. In addition to a work activity, appropriate basic education classes might be included on the Self-Sufficiency Plan. The plan could also include limited supportive services such as transportation reimbursement. Contact your local office for details regarding supportive service categories.
The local office of the Division of Family Resources in each of Indiana's 92 counties has the responsibility for determining eligibility for IMPACT services for TANF and SNAP recipients.
For information on services available in your county, contact the local office of Family Resources in your county of residence.
IMPACT Placements
IMPACT contracts with service providers across Indiana to implement job search, job development, and placement activities. Job placements have been successful in Indiana.
IMPACT Activities
Job Search - includes telephoning employers, completing job applications, providing resumes, going to interviews, following up on job contacts, job placement services, and job seeking skills training such as interviewing skills.
Job Readiness - includes activities that prepare a participant for work such as job coping skills and understanding general workplace expectations. Services may also include family life skills.
Unsubsidized Employment - work for which wages, salaries, commissions or profits not subsidized by State or Federal programs.
Community Work Experience - unpaid work experience preferably in a non-profit agency to gain practical work experience.
Educational (Academic) - high school, General Education Development preparation, Adult Basic Education, and English as a Second Language. (Priority is given to academic training if the client is under 20 and has not completed high school or its equivalent).
Indiana's IMPACT services were designed to supplement AFDC and were implemented in 1992 as part of the Family Support Act of 1988. This legislation gave welfare recipients the opportunity to break the cycle of welfare dependency through educational programs, skills training, job placement assistance and other supportive services.
IMPACT services for SNAP recipients were implemented in October 1987 as a result of the Food Security Act of 1985. The goals of this program are similar to Indiana’s IMPACT services for TANF recipients.