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Long-Term Care Transformation Project

Image stating percent of seniors continues to grow

Baby boomers – born 1946 to 1964 – are now ages 52 to 70. By the year 2030, 71.5 million Americans will be over age 65 and by the year 2020, one in every five Hoosiers will be an older adult. The fastest-growing segment of the population is those age 85 and over. Indiana must transform its long-term care system to successfully meet the demands and address the challenges of these changing demographics.

Over the last two years, the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Division of Aging and Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning worked closely with key stakeholders to examine challenges and potential ways to modernize the home- and community-based services systems in Indiana. The state seeks to redesign the delivery of publicly-funded HCBS.

FSSA will continue this Long-Term Care Transformation Project through the second half of 2017 to create a plan to make home- and community-based services more accessible, increase awareness of all long-term care options, and improve the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of the long-term care system in preparation for meeting these needs.

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Home- and Community-Based Services report

Stakeholder workgroup

The stakeholder workgroup will offer feedback on long-term care transformation efforts. The DA will host a series of five meetings that will focus on core components in HCBS redesign. The series of meetings will engage a variety of persons receiving services, providers, provider associations and organizations representing persons receiving services to identify key opportunities for change in the HCBS delivery system.

Workgroup documents


In the summer of 2019, the Division of Aging, the Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning and stakeholders from IHCA, etc., met to collaborate on key LTSS system integration and payment issues.

The collaborative goal was to recommend changes and reforms to current state LTSS infrastructure for promoting equity of access for all Medicaid-eligible individuals in need of LTSS across all care settings. 

Five workgroups were formed around the following LTSS topics: 

  1. Awareness, education, communication and data
  2. Capacity building
  3. Eligibility and prevention
  4. Options counseling, care planning and coordination of key entities
  5. Payment 

These workgroups developed and produced several LTSS system recommendations over a three-month period (August – October, 2019). Recommendations were consolidated and organized by the common themes that recurred across a majority of the workgroups.

The workgroup met five times between September 2017 and February 2018.

Resources and data


Please direct any comments or suggestions to DAComments@fssa.in.gov.