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Community and Home Options to Institutional Care for the Elderly and Disabled

The CHOICE program is administered through Indiana’s 16 Area Agencies on Aging. The CHOICE program provides home- and community-based services to assist individuals in maintaining their independence in their own homes or communities for as long as is safely possible.

How does one qualify for the CHOICE Program?

CHOICE applicants must be at least 60 years of age or have a disability. Applicants must also be found to be at risk of losing their independence, usually indicated by difficulties with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, walking, transferring or medications set-ups.

CHOICE funds may not be used if other funding such as Medicare or Medicaid is available to meet the individual’s needs.

What are the income limits?

There are no limits for the CHOICE program. However, there is a cost-sharing formula, and applicants with higher incomes may be asked to pay for a portion of their services.

What are the asset/resource limits?

An individual may not have assets that exceed $250,000. In determining assets, an additional $20,000 in countable assets will be excluded from the total. There is a cost-sharing formula based on countable assets and individuals may be asked to pay for a portion of their services.

How does someone apply for the CHOICE program?

To apply for the CHOICE program, please contact your local AAA at 800-986-3505 and they will assist you with the application. A complete list of the AAAs is available here.

What services are available?

Some of the services available under the CHOICE program would include:

Adult day services Homemaker Respite
Attendant care Home-delivered meals Skilled nursing
Case management Home health aide Specialized medical equipment
Environmental modification Personal emergency response systems Transportation
Handy chore Pest control Vehicle modifications