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System Point of Entry and Local Planning and Coordinating Council

System Point of Entry

The SPOE is the lead agency at the local level and is the first point of contact for families and others wishing to refer a child to First Steps. Indiana has nine cluster SPOEs across the state. The SPOE maintains the electronic database of all referrals, including information obtained and decisions made regarding eligibility, service planning and service delivery through the development of an Individualized Family Service Plan. The SPOE is designated point-of-contact within the cluster where:

  • referrals are received for children who may be eligible for early intervention services. The SPOE is responsible for ensuring that all referrals of children, under the age of three, receive a timely response. An intake is conducted with families in a prompt, professional and family-centered manner to coordinate the eligibility process.
  • intake/ongoing service coordinators are employed and supervised.
  • the early intervention records are maintained.
  • families may apply/or be referred for Children's Special Health Care Services, Hoosier Healthwise or other programs that support young children's healthcare and overall development.

Local Planning and Coordinating Council

The LPCC's primary responsibility is to advise and assist with the implementation of the First Steps System in their local cluster of counties. They provide the voice for early intervention services at the local level by identifying concerns, issues and strengths unique to each cluster and then developing a service delivery system that meets the locally identified needs.

Each LPCC has a chair and members composed of local providers, parents and community partners. Through the LPCC, community resources and service providers are identified to coordinate all available early intervention resources for children. Each council is responsible for developing and documenting a formal system of communication and coordination among participating agencies operating in its cluster of counties.

LPCCs have a number of responsibilities:

  • Public awareness
  • Child find activities
  • Identification of resources within the community
  • Family and provider training
  • Recruitment of early intervention providers
  • Development of effective communication and memorandums of understanding with other agencies serving families in their community.

Each LPCC has the opportunity to advance the First Steps System in its local cluster. The cluster LPCC will identify different committees to work on specific assignments. The LPCC has at least one coordinator, who oversees the council and its meetings. Members, at a minimum, shall include the following:

  • Two parents of children with disabilities
  • One health or medical representative
  • One educational representative
  • One social services representative
  • One early intervention service provider
  • One child care representative

Learn more about the LPCC in your area.

LPCC handbook