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Food Assistance Availability Map

This site is designed to help you find available food resources near you. To use the map:

  1. Enter your address in the search tool. Street address and ZIP code. City and state are not required.
    • (If the search tool is not displayed click this icon Image of food assistance search tool)
  2. Food assistance within five-miles of you will automatically appear. If you would like to change the search area drag the slider below the address entry and select a smaller or wider radius.
  3. To get more information about any organization, click on the organization's name in the list. This includes the type of organization and hours of operation. If available, there is also a link to the organization's website.
  4. To go back to the list of organizations, click “<” or “Food Assistance.”

There are two types of organizations shown:

  • Food pantries are locations where you can pick up groceries to prepare and use at your home.
  •  Meal sites serve packed meals ready to take home and eat.

To view a mobile version click here.

Updates to the food pantries and meal sites will be done daily on Monday through Friday.

If you are affiliated with a food pantry or meal site and your information doesn’t appear or is wrong, please complete this form to send us accurate information.

For more detailed instructions on how to use the map including screen shots, click here.

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