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Scientific Basis for PTQ

In 2007, Indiana's Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning, a division of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, contracted with Purdue University to complete a four-year scientific review of the Paths to QUALITY™ system. The overall goal of this review was to conduct an external evaluation of the scientific validity of the Paths to QUALITY™ standards.

Purdue University completed independent assessments of the quality using research-validated measures in a statewide random sample of 312 licensed child care classrooms, registered child care ministry classrooms and licensed family child care homes. The Purdue team also interviewed more than 1800 parents and 270 child care providers and completed developmental assessments with more than 550 infants, toddlers and preschoolers in Paths to QUALITY™ centers and homes. The research took place between March 2009 and June 2011.

Purdue University evaluation briefs

  1. Key findings
  2. Does Paths to QUALITY™ produce quality care & education for Indiana's young children?
  3. Does Paths to QUALITY™ benefit Indiana's child care providers?
  4. Does Paths to QUALITY™ help Indiana parents find quality child care?

Purdue University technical reports