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Kayevonne Dailey

Kayevonne currently serves as Executive Director of Friends of Bethany since 2011. As Director, Mrs. Dailey has been instrumental in educating and training Christian women on how to develop relationship with other women for now and eternity. Kayevonne has been successful in implementing an evangelism and discipleship mentoring program catered toward reaching the (un)church and establishing educational workshops that that ministers to the needs of single women and children from all genre.  In addition to serving as Director of Friends of Bethany, Kayevonne also serves on the Urban Outreach Task Force Committee. In addition, Ms. Dailey was recently nominated by Governor Pence to the Board of Commissioners at the Indiana Commission for Women.

Prior to serving at Friends of Bethany, Inc. Kayevonne worked with the Fort Wayne Urban League where she gained a vast knowledge in Human Services. While serving  the needs of others within the community, Kayevonne obtained a State and National Certification in Housing Counseling with a concentration in Default Counseling, Homeless Prevention, Pre-purchasing Counseling and Financial Literacy. Prior to working in Housing Counseling she worked in the Real Estate and Banking industry.

In addition to her work experience, she studied Business Management with a concentration on Human Services at Indiana Tech. While pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Human Services, Kayevonne felt the call of God to further enhance her studies and transferred to Crossroads Bible College where she is pursued a degree in Leadership and Ministry.

In 2008 Kayevonne felt God’s calling on her life to serve broken and hurting women. Her first volunteer position was at A Hope Center as an Advocate Volunteer. Kayevonne remains supportive of A Hope Center by remaining in fellowship with other volunteers through Bible Study.

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