2014 Women's Day at the Statehouse
The 2nd Annual Women's Day at the Statehouse will be held on Wednesday, January 29, 2014, from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM, at the Indiana Statehouse, North Atrium (200 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204).
This year's event will feature updates on the top five priorities (Health-related issues, Work-based issues, Leadership, Care Giving and Violence against Women) identified during ICW’s Hoosier Women Speak listening sessions. Presenters from partner organizations, including NAWBO-Indianapolis, will discuss future activities and opportunities for collaboration. For more information contact Kristin Svyantek Garvey, executive director, at 317-232-6720 or
The program is free to attend. However, registration is required. Visit to register for this event.
2013 Women's Day
To introduce the results from the 2011-2012 Hoosier Women Speak listening sessions and follow-up debrief meetings, the Indiana Commission for Women hosted a Women's Day at the Statehouse on February 6, 2013. Based on the results this initiative, four underlying themes were consistently mentioned as community actions and were used as a framework for the event:
- Agencies, organizations and individuals committed to moving women’s issues forward should be networking and communicating with each other.
- Knowledge of resources so creating, enhancing or highlighting existing resources, tools and opportunities
- Women directly affected by the issues need to be encouraged to participate and have a responsibility to be engaged in the process
- Leadership opportunities for women to encourage them become a better connected to opportunities to advocate for their own needs.
(Hoosier Women Speak: 2012 Final Report)
Below are the presentations and resources that were provided during the day:
- Hoosier Women Speak Overview
- Health-Related Issues - Women's Health
- Work-Based Issues - Lilly Ledbetter Act
- Care Giving - Child Care
- Care Giving - Elder Care