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Division of Supplier Diversity
For general questions, please contact us by phone at 317-416-6711. For additional questions regarding certification, please feel free to contact one of our certification team members: Crystal Bell at, Carmen Ledezma at, and Vivian Cage at
The Indiana Department of Administration, Division of Supplier Diversity (DSD), acts on behalf of the State of Indiana to actively promote, monitor and enforce the standards for certification of minority and women’s business enterprises. The Division was established in 1983 by the State of Indiana when Indiana Code 4-13-16.5 became law. Its mission is to provide equal opportunity to minority and women owned enterprises in the state’s procurement and contracting process. Subsequent to the statute being enacted regulations were developed to govern the program and were made part of the Indiana Administrative Code as 25 IAC-5.
Governor's Commission on Supplier Diversity
The same statute also created the Governor's Commission on Supplier Diversity. Commission members are advocates for Minority and Women’s and Veteran enterprises in state contracting and are active in their respective regions to assist in achieving the MWBE and IVOSB goals for the State of Indiana.