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The Indiana Department of Correction recognizes that the majority of incarcerated offenders will be released into the community. Releasing offenders will be on parole, probation or discharged. In order to increase potential for successful community reintegration, it is necessary that returning citizens be provided quality programming and resources prior to release. The Department operates a practical and purposeful Pre-Release course for all releasing adult offenders. IDOC’s Pre-Release curriculum provides targeted programming for identified offender needs. Staff utilizes all available resources, including community options, and each adult IDOC facility has an identified Re-Entry Coordinator to ensure that the Pre-Release course is being facilitated as designed.
The IDOC Pre-Release course is provided to each offender in a timely manner, so that all the necessary components and coursework are completed prior to release. Attendance in a Pre-Release Re-Entry program is mandatory for all releasing offenders.
The Department is permitted to modify the curriculum as necessary to ensure it meets the needs of the offender population. The Pre-Release curriculum consists of the following general topics: Orientation, Economic Issues, Stress Issues, Family Related Issues (Parenting/Reintegration), Health and Wellness, Substance Abuse/Addictions Recovery Education and Resources, Community Programming, Budgeting, Employment Skill Building (i.e. resumes), and Community Resources. The Pre-Release course also requires all participants to complete assigned homework.
Re-Entry Coordinators are encouraged to include the use of written materials, internet resources, and any other relevant resources provided by community agencies or the guest presenters.
The Department annually prepares a report for the Indiana General Assembly regarding the Pre-Release course operation. The annual report includes the number of offenders and the type of programs in which the inmates participated.

Vital Documents

Re-Entry staff also aid releasing offenders in applying for their birth certificate, social security replacement card, military DD-214 paperwork, and Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicle Identification card. In an attempt to secure these documents, and better prepare offenders for release, the Indiana Department of Correction assists offenders in applying for this vital documentation at no cost to the offender.

Birth Certificates

Throughout their incarceration, offenders have the opportunity to apply for their birth certificate, regardless of the state they were born. This is done at no cost to the offender through an ongoing partnership between the Indiana Department of Correction and the Indiana Department of Health.

Replacement Social Security Card

Throughout their incarceration, offenders have the opportunity to apply for a replacement social security card. This is done at no cost to the offender and is accomplished through an ongoing partnership between the Indiana Department of Correction and the Social Security Administration.

BMV Identification Card

Throughout their incarceration, offenders have the opportunity to visit the mobile BMV unit that travels to all adult facilities at least once during each calendar year. In addition to receiving their BMV identification card, offenders can obtain additional information regarding their driver’s license. This task is accomplished through an ongoing partnership between the Indiana Department of Correction and the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

Military DD-214 Form (Report of Separation) 

For those offenders with previous military service, IDOC Re-Entry staff are trained to assist them with the application for receipt of their DD-214 report. This report typically contains information needed to verify military service for benefits, retirement, employment and membership in veterans’ organizations. This task is accomplished through an ongoing partnership between the Indiana Department of Correction and the Veterans Affairs Administration.