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Community Corrections Training Division

Training Calendar

IDOC-CC Training Division will now be utilizing the Indiana Government Calendar to post all upcoming training offered via the division. You can access the DOC Calendar at the following link: https://calendar.in.gov/ to see what we have posted. Once you have clicked on the link, it will direct you to the main page of the IN.Gov calendar. To access the IDOC-Community Correction Training Division list of training offered, please follow the following tips:

  • You can either click on the image and caption detailing the title of the training offered via IDOC-CC Training Division
  • You can also access the IDOC-CC Training Division Training by:
    • On the left hand side of the navigation bar, where it states “Agency Name”, please access the drop down box, and click on “Corrections, Indiana Department”.
    • Scroll down and click on the blue “Selection” box. (this will take you to the complete list of all IDOC-CC Training Courses currently being offered)
  • To access a particular training:
    • Click on the title of the training offered (this will take you to a more detailed page outlining the course)
    • Scroll down “Registration”  and click on the survey monkey hyperlink (this will take you to the survey monkey registration page)


All course offering and registration can now be completed at the following website: https://calendar.in.gov/


Registrations are submitted through the link shown above. Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email that they were registered.  Participants will also receive a reminder email one week prior to the class with reporting information and instructions for the class.

Request a Training

To request a training that is not listed or scheduled on the training calendar, please email at cctrainingdivision@idoc.IN.gov with the name of the course, preferred dates, and location. If training is provided by our division, we will handle the registration, confirmations, materials, and assistance to ensure that everything is arranged. We do ask our grantees to serve as host sites on a voluntary basis. If you are interested in becoming a host site, please email cctrainingdivision@idoc.IN.gov.

Past Training