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Indiana Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity

The Indiana Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity (DNPA) provides statewide leadership for healthy eating and active living to help prevent and reduce incidences of overweight, obesity and related chronic diseases for Hoosiers of all ages. Through partnership and public health efforts, the DNPA provides education, trainings and an increase of statewide standards and opportunities that support best practices in physical activity and nutrition.
The DNPA’s role as Indiana’s leading body for public health efforts is complimented by the Hoosier Health and Wellness Alliance and Indiana Comprehensive Nutrition and Physical Activity Plan, 2010-2020. These initiatives express strategies for increasing physical activity and healthy eating, while providing a framework of action for policy makers, public and private organizations and community members to work together to educate, advocate and build environments that support health, wellness and vitality to encourage Indiana residents to embrace a physically active and nutritionally sound lifestyle.

The role of the DNPA is to:

• Provide statewide leadership that prioritizes nutrition and physical activity policies as well as environmental changes across Indiana in all settings and special populations.

• Support the nation’s efforts to address public health policies and establish both successful and sustainable interventions for physical activity and nutrition needs.

• Maintain a comprehensive surveillance system for the ongoing, systematic collection of nutrition, physical activity and obesity data, as well as policy and environmental change information.

• Encourage and support effective education and promotion programs, advocate for adequate program funding and promote both policy and environmental changes that help Hoosiers eat better and be more physically active.

Contact us or visit our tabs to learn more about how each sector of the DNPA plans, implements, evaluates and works collaboratively with partners to promote wellness throughout the state of Indiana.

Indiana State Department of Health
Division of Nutrition
and Physical Activity
2 N. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Telephone: (317) 234-3580