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Workplace Wellness

Americans working full-time spend more than one-third of their day, five days per week, at the workplace. The use of effective workplace programs and policies can reduce health risks and improve the quality of life for American workers. Check out our materials below on how the DNPA can help you design, implement and evaluate effective workplace health programs.

Workplace Grantees

The DNPA currently funds a variety of grantees through the Indiana Healthy Workplaces grant. Initiatives range across topic areas such as lactation support, nutritional guidelines, chronic disease education and management, physical activity promotion and smoking cessation. This grant opportunity is released every summer. 


Work@Health® is an employer-based training program that helps employers develop a basic skill set and capacity to build or enhance a science-based worksite health program.

The DNPA recently partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to become trained in the Work@Health Program. Workplaces that participate in this program will have access to six online modules and a half-day, in-person training covering the final two modules and providing an opportunity to network with other workplaces. The modules are outlined below:

  1. Make the Business Case
  2. Assess the Worksite
  3. Build Leadership Support
  4. Develop Policy, Benefit, and Environmental Supports
  5. Design Effective Communities
  6. Evaluate the Program
  7. Plan and Design the Program
  8. Implement and Sustain the Program

Contact kbarrick@isdh.in.gov if you are interested in this opportunity. 

Indiana Healthy Worksite Toolkit

The Indiana Healthy Worksite Toolkit for Small Businesses, 2nd edition outlines strategic policies, environmental supports and activities to provide your employees with opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity. This guide is divided into five sections:

  1. Assess your worksite
  2. Enhance your environment
  3. Promote your efforts
  4. Reassess your efforts
  5. Additional tools

ISDH is also partnering with the Indiana State Personnel Department’s Invest in Your Health, which utilizes department-level wellness champions to disseminate health insurance information, health promotion messages and other learning opportunities.

One of the items promoted throughout the state are Food Service Guidelines
The Food Service Guidelines (FSGs), or nutrition standards, are guidelines for organizations and programs to create healthy eating and drinking environments in government-managed cafeterias, snack bars and vending machines. The guidelines can be applied to non-government settings as well, including universities, hospitals and worksite cafeteria or vending settings. Use of pricing incentives, promotional materials and food placement strategies is important for guideline implementation.

CDC Health Food Service Guidelines
The Health and Human Services and General Services Administration Guidelines aim to:

  • Increase the healthy options available at cafeterias and vending machines
  • Align food available at HHS and GSA facilities with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
  • Inform customers about what they are eating and which choices are healthier and more sustainable
  • Increase sustainability of HHS and GSA operations and support sustainable agricultural practices

Workplace Wellness Resources

Kelsey Barrick, Wellness and Physical Activity Coordinator
(317) 234-3435
Contact for Workplace Wellness