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HIV Prevention Program Clinic Locations Map

HIV Prevention Program

The goal of the Prevention Program is to increase public understanding of, involvement in, and support for HIV prevention and through those efforts, reduce the number of new infections. The focus is on eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in new infections and prevention with HIV positives. Programs are implemented statewide through designated health departments and community-based organizations (CBOs). These agencies provide education and information to initiate modification of behavior patterns or practices that put persons at risk of HIV infection.

The Prevention Program is divided into 10 Regions.


HIV Clinic Map Instructions:

Click the map link to see all Indiana-funded HIV sites listed by type of services they provide, HIV Non-Medical Case Management, HIV Outreach Testing, CLEAR, Emergency Room Testing, Local Health Department Testing, Linkage to Care, PREP/ART, Special Populations Support Programs, Harm Reduction, and Syringe Exchange Services Program. 

Double-click on the map to zoom in on a spot. Click a dot to see site details, or click a colored box to only see that type of site.

Click the “Toggle Legend” or “Undock Info Window” buttons if the map does not fit on your screen.

Click “Print Site Info” to make a printable file for the type of site you chose.