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Training - HIV Prevention Training
The HIV Prevention Program of the Division of HIV/STD and Viral Hepatitis strives to support directly state-funded outreach testing sites or other state recognized agencies and organizations by providing up-to- date trainings and educational opportunities through the Training Programs it offers. Indiana does not require certification to be an HIV tester; however, those agencies granted prevention funds through the state do need to have their testers complete Outreach Testing Training and HIV101 training.
Current Opportunities include Outreach Testing Training, which reviews the procedures for using testing technology for Third and Fourth generations of Rapid HIV tests for use in Non Clinical settings.
The training can be adjusted to meet the required elements for testers from those just hired to those needing a review of procedures and updates on new tests being employed to detect the HIV Virus at its earliest stages.
The training is a knowledge and skills-based course that covers HIV basics, ways of transmission, risk reduction, the testing session protocol suggested by the CDC, delivery of results and linking to care, and the reporting process required by Indiana.
The Education and Training Coordinator will work with program managers to determine what elements of the training are required for participants.
The objectives of the training include:
- Being proficient in discussing the transmission of HIV
- The stages of HIV as it develops
- The window periods for detecting HIV antibodies or antibodies and antigens in an individual’s blood
- Being able to discuss how the HIV virus grows in the body
- Having the ability to identify risk factors for HIV in different demographics and discuss risk reduction
- Following the recommended test protocol for the session and having the skills to do the test
- Delivering the results of tests for non-reactive, reactive and invalid tests
- Knowing when and to whom a recommendation for PrEP should be made
- The correct submission of all required reports
- Having the knowledge and skills to discuss the policies that apply to Universal Precautions
Prerequisites include:
The assurance from an agency manager that their staff member is able to perform tasks that would allow them to participate in a shorter training due to being medically trained ( RN, NPAs)
A 90 percent score or higher on an HIV Proficiency pre-training Quiz given on the day of the training.
Completion of the Course
In order for participants to receive an Evaluation Web Account, used to submit testing results to the state, a tester must complete five supervisor observed testing sessions, which will be returned to the trainer with-in 5 weeks of training completion.
When the tester has their Evaluation Web account created they will receive a certificate of course completion for their and the employing agencies’ records.
For more information or training needs contact:
Mary Roberts, Education and Training Coordinator