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ISDH Refugee Health Program

To support the resettlement of refugees by providing access and resources for an initial health screening upon arrival to the United States and by identifying emerging health issues in refugee populations, and to provide ongoing support through relationships with community, state and federal partners.

Every refugee in Indiana receives an initial health screening within 90 days of US arrival and referral to a medical home.


  • Develop a holistic approach to refugee health, including all departments at ISDH with interactions in the refugee community
  • Develop relationships across the state with other organizations involved in refugee health and resettlement



We do not work alone. The ISDH Refugee Health Program works in collaboration with national, state, and local agencies, voluntary resettlement agencies (VOLAGs), and many other organizations to continue in the work of providing comprehensive care to Indiana’s refugee communities.



Who are refugees? Link to definitions used on this website and terms regarding the populations who are eligible for refugee services. See definitions for the following terms:


 Cuban/Haitian Entrants
 Victims of Human Trafficking
 Unaccompanied Alien Children
 Survivors of Torture



Statistics and Maps
Link to the latest immigration statistics, maps, and numbers for the United States and other countries. The Data Hub showcases the most current national and state-level demographic, social, and economic facts about immigrants to the US. Track historical immigration trends and current patterns.

Immigrant and Refugee Numbers By State
Link to basic information about each State Refugee Program. The links include information on the type of State Refugee Programs; State Coordinator contacts; refugee programs’ annual performance based on Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) measures; refugee arrival data; and grant awards from the Division of Refugee Assistance (DRA) and Division of Community Resettlement (DCR).

Indiana Data
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